fiery sunset, San Francisco
fiery sunset, San Francisco
  • New photos uploaded
    • 11/12/2011
mormonssalt flatssnowboarding in solitudedanger is everywhere
  • leaving las vegas
    • 02/12/2011
So I ended up staying a couple of days longer than expected in Vegas, as one laboriously developed but badly founded plan after another was thwarted. Yellowstone park is closed for winter, no worries, i'll go to the grand canyon. Oh, a huge snowstorm is hitting it tomorrow. Ok, well, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade, when it hands you a load if snow, go snowboarding.

So after an overnight greyhound I'm in salt lake city, which seems fairly dull. But its a short bus rife to the slopes!
I just met a German guy in the hostel who arrived from the north this morning, and had to abandon his bus and take a $150 taxi because hurricane strength winds were blowing everything over, dramatic!

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